Healing the Planet by Healing Each Person's Emotions

An insatiable reader since childhood and avid movie goer, Karen has read many books and seen many movies that have greatly influenced her life. She wants to share some of them with you and hopes you enjoy them as much as she has. She also hopes you will learn as much as she has from them. She writes message music herself and always looks for books and movies with a special message. In that same vein, she has spent many hours and lots of money studying with some of the greatest minds of our times. Karen is sharing some of these people who have impacted her life so much in this space. Some are famous and some are not so well-known. This is by no means an exhaustive list. There are too many others to name at this time. Enjoy!


A LightWorker is anyone on Earth who is truly committed in his or her heart to helping others awaken to Love.
                                                                 Author Unknown

PURE - positive focus, strong energy, no resistance; to not slip into lackful thinking.

Books, Movies, and People
A Course in Miracles (all about forgiveness & love)

Dr. Patch Adams (happiness heals)

Rev. Michael Beckwith (appears in The Secret, a truly profound thinker)

Rickie Byars Beckwith (any of her music)

Gregg Braden (Awakening to Zero Point & other books)

Carmel Temple (many little known speakers, some very unique exerpiences)

Dr. Deepak Chopra (blends Ayurvedic & Western medicine, many books))

Dr. Norman Cousins (laughed himself back to health)

Dr. Wayne Dyer (many books, catch him on PBS)

Jonathan Goldman (taught the founder ‘toning’)

Louise Hay (Heal Your Body, many other books)

Thich Nhat Hanh (many profound, different way of looking at life & events)

Dr. Leonard Horowitz ( a courageous man who challenges the status quo in medicine & other fields)

MSI (brought the Ishaya Ascension techniques to the West which changed the founder’s life)

Aurelia Louise Jones (Telos books describe life in the 5th dimension)

Tom Kenyon (an angelic voice, Hathor material)

Godfre Ray King (Unveiled Mysteries, other books about St. Germaine and the I Am)

Dr. Bruce Lipton (The Biology of Belief)

Kanya McGhee (Tree of Life Bookstore)
Sterling McVay (ancient teachings, yoga, affirmations)
Drunvalo Melchizedek (Flower of Life books)
Dan Millman (Peaceful Warrior book & movie, other great books)

Martha Moore (a beautiful example of how to live a long, loving, positive life)

Marlo Morgan (Mutant Message Down Under)

James Redfield (The Celestine Prophecy movie & book, The Tenth Insight)

Gary Renard (Disappearance of the Universe, ascension guide)

Dr. Michael & Cynthia Schlosser (taught the founder many emotional healing techniques)

The Secret (movie about the art of manifestation)

Baird Spalding (The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East)

James Twyman (Emissary of Light, The Indigo Movie, beautiful music)

Iyanla Vanzant (so many wonderful books, much wisdom imparted in a down to earth way)

Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations with God books & movie)

Marianne Williamson (A Return to Love & many more books)

Worldwide Lightworker Family (many conference calls weekly various topics, many great speakers)

Paramhansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi)

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